# 1 = hook into RO client, 2 = Act as stand-alone proxy, proxy = act as true proxy
XKore 0
# 是否開啟 XKore 模式
XKore_silent 1
# XKore 模式開啟後,是否要隱藏 Kore 的訊息於 RO 對話欄中
XKore_bypassBotDetection 0
# Set this option to 1 if you want Kore to try to bypass the RO client's bot detection. (only been tested with the iRO client)
XKore_exeName ragexe.exe
# XKore 模式所指向的 RO 主程式檔名
# It is not advised to set secureAdminPassword if you're using Xkore 2
secureAdminPassword 1
# 是否要設置授權密碼
adminPassword ladracak
# 授權密碼,使其他玩家或自己的分身可取得密頻指令控制 Kore 的權限
commandPrefix ;
# RO 主程式的對話欄中送出以此符號為開頭的訊息的話,
# Kore 會把此一訊息當成是指令來執行
# intimacyMax / Min sets a threshhold of when not to feed your homunculus
# If intimacy is HIGHER than the minimum or LOWER/EQUAL to the max, we wont feed.
homunculus_intimacyMax 999
homunculus_intimacyMin 911
# How long should we wait between feeding?
# default: random between 10 and 60 seconds
homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax 60
homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin 10
# Turn on/off homunculus autofeeding
homunculus_autoFeed 1
# In Wich maps should we allow feeding? (leave empty for any map)