# intimacyMax / Min sets a threshhold of when not to feed your homunculus
# If intimacy is HIGHER than the minimum or LOWER/EQUAL to the max, we wont feed.
homunculus_intimacyMax 999
homunculus_intimacyMin 911
# How long should we wait between feeding? default: random between 10 and 60 seconds
homunculus_hungerTimeoutMax 60
homunculus_hungerTimeoutMin 10
# Turn on/off homunculus autofeeding
homunculus_autoFeed 1
# In Wich maps should we allow feeding? (leave empty for any map)
# Feed homunculus between MIN and MAX value (example: between 11 and 25)
homunculus_hungerMin 11
homunculus_hungerMax 24
######## Block options ########
# You can copy & paste any block multiple times. So if you want to
# configure two attack skills, just duplicate the attackSkillSlot block.
# NOTE: In the case of two handed weapons, or no Shield,
# duplicate the weapon name for 'rightHand'
# To attack with bare hands, specify "[NONE]" (without the quotes) for rightHand